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Fuel Injectors - the Blood Vessels of a Car

by DengKevin 11 Jul 2023

Fuel Injectors - the Blood Vessels of a Car


Fuel injectors are one of the most essential parts of a car and are used in a wide range of applications. The fuel injector receives the fuel injection pulse signal sent by the ECU to precisely control the fuel injection quantity. Although the fuel injector is very delicate, it can cause damage if you are not careful. This article explains what a fuel injector is and highlights how to judge if a fuel injector is damaged and fix these problems.


What is a Fuel Injector?

A fuel injector is a device for atomizing and injecting fuel into an internal combustion engine.

The injector atomizes the fuel and forces it directly into the combustion chamber at the precise point in the combustion cycle. Newer injectors can also meter the amount of fuel as dictated and controlled by the electronic control module (ECM). Injectors must not only deliver the right amount of fuel, but they must also disperse the fuel at the right angle, pressure, and spray pattern.


Where are the Fuel Injectors Located?

Typically, Diesel fuel injectors are mounted in the engine head with a tip inside the combustion chamber; hole size, number of holes, and spray angles can vary from engine to engine.

Gasoline injectors may be mounted in the intake manifold (multi-port injection, throttle body, or, more recently, directly into the combustion chamber (GDI).


When should the fuel injector be replaced?

The once lazy, black, smoke-chugging, locomotive-like engines are no longer. Nowadays, diesel-powered engines are cleaner than ever, produce more power, and use less fuel. But how do you know when to replace their fuel injectors?

Several signs indicate that a common fuel injector is or will become defective. The signs mentioned below can occur by themselves or are combined with other symptoms, making

the initial problem much harder to pinpoint.



Common fuel injectors could be the reason that your diesel engine has a tough time starting up.


Rolling coal is popular on regular trucks. But an unnecessary amount of black smoke coming from your vehicle is never a good sign.

  1. SMOKE

Added smoke is among the most common issues of a bad or failing fuel injector. While it is typical for diesel or any internal combustion engine to produce smoke, keep an eye on increased smoke.


Fuel injectors are engineered to create a fine mist when open. It makes the combustion process much more efficient, but when a fuel injector is clogged, the fuel comes out like a slow drip.


If the regeneration period takes less time than usual, you should contact us to look closely at your injectors, as they may be the reason behind this issue.


Failing common fuel injectors can put too much fuel in the combustion chamber. Unburned fuel will come out in the exhaust stroke and will probably clog the DPF filters.

If you want to upgrade or replace your injectors, you need to understand what factors need to be considered when upgrading your injectors.

Common causes for fuel injector problems.

Most of the problems mentioned above happen when the injectors remain stuck in the open position. Why does this happen? It is most likely caused by water or dirt that has gotten into the system. Changing your fuel filter is critical if you want to reduce the chance of this happening.

A leak test can be performed to make sure fuel injectors operate within their specified parameters. Unfortunately, some engines came with stock injectors that were poor in design from the very beginning. Therefore, a leak test is common and more suited to these types of injectors.

Mileage plays a significant role in the overall condition of common fuel injectors or any engine component, for that matter. It’s common knowledge that higher mileage engines will be more prone to a higher risk of issues, and injectors are not immune.

Ball seat erosion is common on engines that have seen countless hours and miles of hard use. It happens when the pressure of the fuel is so great that it ends up physically deteriorating the fuel injector’s tips. Luckily, we can resolve these issues by rebuilding the injectors.

Lastly, time just can’t be turned back, so even if your truck has turned back time and made sure you didn’t put on too many miles, time will still take a toll on injectors.


How often should injectors be replaced?

On average, diesel fuel injectors should be replaced every 95,000 miles. Of course, several factors go into play, such as operating conditions, the load being put on the engine, and the quality of fuel used. 


What can be done to resolve Common fuel injector problems?

The best thing one can do as an owner to prevent common fuel injector problems is to get the right quality fuel. Not all diesel is created equally, and trying to save some dollars by going to a cheaper gas station might end up causing you more in the future.

Operating conditions are yet another factor that may end up wreaking havoc on fuel injectors. Yes, diesel engines are made to be more robust than gasoline engines, but they can’t go on forever without proper maintenance.

Finally, condensation is one issue that most people do not take too seriously until it’s too late. As the diesel in your tank warms up, the space in your fuel tank creates moisture, making its way to the injectors and creating problems. Draining your filter can help with this. 



To sum up, there are many problems with fuel injectors; ignoring the maintenance of fuel injectors and damaging the fuel injectors will cause significant inconvenience to your production. If your fuel injector is damaged or you need to buy a fuel injector, you can come to our website to buy it, and we will bring you the most professional experience.


Here is the link you can check and buy aftermarket Fuel Injector online catalog.

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